(San Rafael, Mendoza, 1939-Rome, 2016), writer, literary critic and playwright originally from Argentina. After moving to Europe, where he worked as a correspondent first for the Brazilian magazine “Vozes,” then for the Latin American section of the ANSA news agency, he settled in Rome and devoted himself to studies on twentieth-century Spanish and Italian literature. Passionate in particular about the work and personality of Dino Campana, he carries out systematic research and publication of documents and biographical accounts of the poet. He rediscovered the writer Emanuel Carnevali and authored studies on Luigi Pirandello, Jorge Luis Borges and Rafael Alberti. In 1983 he collaborated with Primo Conti in writing the artist’s biography La Gola del Merlo, which won the Viareggio Prize (Special Award) the following year.
The Gabriel Cacho Millet Fund, consisting of Correspondence, Manuscripts, Press Review, Photo Library and Library, will soon be donated to the Foundation by his wife Margarita Casal and children Rodrigo and Marta Cacho Casal. The fund will be divided into the following sections: Correspondence, received by Cacho Millet over his lifetime from various critics and intellectuals, particularly note the close correspondence with Primo Conti; Manuscripts, consisting of notes and critical texts on Dino Campana, Silvio Canevari and Primo Conti; Press review, consisting mainly of newspaper clippings with autograph annotations; Photo library, consisting of a small core of family and miscellaneous photos; Library, consisting of volumes by Cacho Millet and first editions by Dino Campana, Primo Conti and other 20th-century artists.