(Marradi, Florence, 1892 – Florence, 1952), professor of history and philosophy in the high schools of Messina and Formia, then, for health reasons, librarian at the Vittorio Emanuele II National Central Library in Rome, was a friend of the poet Dino Campana. It was thanks to his financial support that Campana was able to publish the first edition of the “Orphic Songs” (1914).
The Luigi Bandini Fund is divided into the following sections: Correspondence, which preserves two letters addressed to Bandini from Campana with, as attachments, Campana’s autographs of “La Chimera,” “Autumn Garden (Florence),” “Hope” (on the night stream),” “The glazed,” “The Song of Darkness” (minor tone),” “The Evening Fair,” “La petite promenade d’un poète,” and two letters from Giovanni Campana to Bandini; Miscellaneous, in which a private writing between Dino Campana and Bruno Ravagli for the printing of the “Orphic Songs” in the poet’s own hand and the receipt issued by Ravagli to Bandini regarding the payment of 110 lire for the printing of the “Orphic Songs” have been incorporated.