We’ll tell you about them! Museums seen by the little ones

Museums seen by the little ones
The Museums of All Network invites girls and boys who attend elementary school and are willing to get involved to discover museums and become guides for their peers.

The very young participants will become familiar with the spaces and contents of the museums and, through free exploration and collective discussion under the watchful eye of our educators, will thus arrive at the preparation of an amazing guided tour, which they will lead for other children.

If you attend elementary school, don’t miss this beautiful trip to the museums of Florence and Fiesole.

Sign up and choose your museum! Participation is FREE!

In Florence, first meeting on Saturday, October 28 at 11 a.m.

Museum of the Old Palace
Stefano Bardini Museum
Museum of the Innocents

In Fiesole, first meeting Saturday, Nov. 4 at 10:30 a.m.

Archaeological Museum and Archaeological Area
Bandini Museum
Primo Conti Museum

You will be involved in:

4 preparatory meetings, to be held on Saturdays between October and December 2023;
3 visits conducted by you for other children: 1 per month between December 2023 and March 2024.

The detailed schedule of activities will be communicated by each individual museum at the first meeting.

Participation in the project is free, registration is required.

To register, download the form and send it completed and signed by you and a parent or guardian to info@firenzefiesolemusei.net


For information – info@firenzefiesolemusei.net

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