Marucelliana Library – Via Camillo Cavour, 43-47, 50129 Florence FI
May 9, 2024-September 2024 – Exhibition Hall
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri.: 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.; Tue., Thurs.: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Thursday, May 9, 5:30 p.m.
To follow
Friday, May 10, 5:30 p.m.
presentation of the Campanian Trilogy
by Alessandro Magini
Forgetful prelude of the evening
Press release
On May 9, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the Monumental Hall of the Marucelliana Library, the exhibition Tense bow. Music in Florence at the time of the “Orphic Songs” with a piano concert by Gregorio Nardi to follow.
On May 10 at 5:30 p.m., Alessandro Magini’s Campanian Trilogy Preludio scordato della sera: Arco teso (solo violin), Viola della notte (solo viola), Corda elettrizzata (violin, viola, electronics) will be presented, in which the author and violinist-violist Alberto Bologni will speak.
The Marucelliana Library, which has been preserving Dino Campana’s manuscript Il più lungo giorno (The Longest Day) since 2005 thanks to the Florence CR Foundation, continues with the exhibition and its catalog, Tense bow. Music in Florence at the time of the “Orphic Songs”, a commitment to promote and enhance the pages of the Marradese poet. His work, placed in the musical context of those very lively and fruitful years, thus offers new insights for interpretation and grounds for investigation.
The curators, Silvia Castelli, Roberto Maini, Gregorio Nardi, and Maria Beatrice Sanfilippo, through the exhibition of writings, publications, journals, musical works, scores, and photographs, often unpublished, aim to interpret the sometimes unexplored dialogue that existed between the literary and musical worlds in Florence in the first two decades of the twentieth century. In those very years Dino Campana had rejected so much obsolete vocabulary, freely adopting the mechanisms of prose as much as the free succession of rhyme and repetition and rhetorical procedures. Similar to a sculptor removing layers of stone, the poet would peel back his grammar to arrive at the essential sentence, which was at once music color archetype. His literary adventure can then become an essential code for musicians as well: indeed, the genius of Marradi brings an original key to an unjustly forgotten musical world, to arrive at a different awareness regarding the cultural period that would open wide the doors to a composite and more European twentieth century.
The exhibition is divided into ten sections, which are reflected in the catalog published by Logisma, in which essays are also presented that document in greater depth, the particular approach sought.
The Marucelliana Library and its Director, Dott. Luca Faldi, thanks to the invaluable collaboration of the sponsors, the Centro Studi Campaniani “Enrico Consolini” of Marradi, Musica Ricercata and American Friends of Florence Music, the lenders, the Luigi Cherubini Conservatory of Florence, the Primo Conti Foundation, the International Lyceum Club of Florence, of the Archives of San Francesco di Fiesole (Tuscan Province of San Francesco Stimmatizzato), the members of the Scientific and Honorary Committee, and to the wise and fundamental intervention of all those who participated in the construction of the exhibition project, are honored to be able to celebrate Dino Campana, the sound of his word in the space of coeval music.